Saturday before last I started my day with a physical therapy appointment. That gave me time to start a new pair of socks while my feet were in the whirlpool. Using
WhimzyPinzy's Cotton Sock Yarn,
Judy's Magic Caston and
Wendy Barnard's excellent basic sock instructions from her book
Socks from the Toe Up, I had achieved the desired toe cuppage by the time I left the office. A few hours later, after a lovely afternoon with some fellow knitters, I had reached the heel. Now sock #1 is all but finished, in spite of a few anxious heel-turning moments. (The yarn is lovely but prefers not to be re-knit!) At this rate I should have a pair of new socks by the end of the month, just in time for the next month's subscription yarn from WP. We will not mention the number of skeins I already have.