Friday, April 25, 2008


I removed the slide show of yarns from the right corner. The wool is gone. Cottons, rayons, etc.are still coming my way. I've started an experimental rather narrow One-Row Scarf using the single ball of softly variegated chenille. Not sure if it's enough yarn yet but I like the effect, although the yarn puts a little too much friction on my irritated left little finger for extended knitting. Not sure if I need a bandage or if I should try knitting in my lifting gloves. Maybe a tiny finger puppet?

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Yarn Wealth

Today I took my last batch of wool in to work. The green alpaca found a home and the various remaining rusts will, I am sure, be on their way to new homes within a week. The best part of all this trading is that I received (and continue to receive) so much yarn in return that is just the sort of stuff I'm ready and able to knit with right now. I've finally turned that woolly albatross of a stash into something I can enjoy.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Swatching and searching

I've been swatching my Peaches & Creme to see what needle size works for me and hoping (vainly!) that I would intuit my way back to the slip stitch stripe pattern I used long ago on that w**l vest I no longer have. This morning I found the stitch in my Barbara Walker II: "Stripe and Rib" pattern, to be worked back and forth on dps or in the round. I see a dishcloth cotton vest in my future. Will post a swatch later.
In the meantime, I've added 2 yarn slideshows (bottom right of page) so non-Ravelry knitting friends can see what I have. Soon I hope to have No More Wool!!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

More de/re-stashing

I've photographed and catalogued all my yarn. Thank you, Ravelry!
I think I've found, photographed, and recorded all my remaining wool.
I've brought home, photographed, and recorded all the fun stuff I got in exchange for the Dyed in the Wool variegated, which has found a home.
I've put the handspun naturals( coveted by at least 2 of my colleagues) into my gym bag so they will travel to work with me on Monday.
Meanwhile, I have a few tentative nibbles on Ravelry as well as offers of small experimental amounts of various non-wools.
Somewhere in here I got out to view the tulips and daffodils.
Now it's time to start knitting something other than that afghan. I'm trying to recall how I did a slip stitch pattern that came out as a restrained 2-color plaid, back in my woolly days. I' m picturing it as stockinette, with vertical lines of slipped stitches, and occasional rows of a contrasting color, crossed by the slipped stitch.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Destash and restash

The package of yarn traded for my Rowan designer dk arrived -- 6 skeins total of 2 different cotton blends in black, plus some magenta cotton and some orange suede-like ribbon to play with.
Meanwhile, I've rummaged around and discovered more wool. 4 skeins of alpaca in a soft green, miscellaneous variegated odds and ends, and some fairly heavy reddish hanks--unlabeled, but somewhat similar to Manos de Uruguay in texture and shading. Might felt well?? Don't have the energy right now for the whole upload-the-photos process. Maybe tomorrow.
In the meantime, I'm hoping my Ravelry post will turn up some offers of oddments of nonwool I can try out to see what I like.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Wow, that was quick. The Rowan Designer DK went west, the Dyed in the Wool has headed just slightly to the south, and various cottons are rumored to be coming my way. So the only wool left is the assortment of natural handspun skeins (from multiple craft fairs etc. ) that I haven't offered to anyone yet. At least I think that's all. I don't quite have the nerve to double check the back of the top shelf in the closet. Not this late in the day.

Sunday, April 6, 2008


Ravelry is helping me get organized and starting me on the road to the final destash of all things woolly. I've been putting stash photos into Flickr and starting to share with Ravelry's ISO & Destash group in hopes of trading for something I can use. The process of making entries and taking photos is a little time consuming but very worthwhile. I see that I have plenty of non-wool yarn for a couple of vests and a couple of tees or perhaps a short sleeved summer cardigan. Time to knit!

Friday, April 4, 2008

40% done!

Here's the afghan-in-progress, with the first main section almost completed. It's going well enough to have given me the confidence to make a tentative start on a vest, using the Rowan Denim Jeans (in Jute) that I bought earlier this year. That in turn inspired me to return to the LYS, with the excuse of stocking up on Addi turbos in smaller sizes, and buy enough Cascade Pearls to make a tee (colors: 6388 - purple - and a bit of 9843 - purple/turquoise variegated).