Saturday, March 22, 2008

Mason-Dixoning again

Started and finished the Lobby Dishrag from the M-D site in 2 days. Personally, I like it as a washcloth. It's fun and easy to knit, and the Lily cotton yarn (in an ombre mix called "cool breeze") is nice for my skin.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


chair pad in progress
In the middle of block 20 of The Afghan, I rearranged a few things and ended up with a different chair in front of the computer, a wooden one in serious need of a pad for the seat. 2 days later, I've almost finished knitting strips of cotton knit fabric from assorted discarded garments into a completed pad--sort of a miniature knitted rag rug, in the spirit of those Mason-Dixon ladies. I would have finished it already, but I decided to rip back and take out a couple of colors that I didn't like.